Typology of travel motivation factors
Okładka tom 20
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tourist motivation
hygiene factors

How to Cite

KoziolL. (2012). Typology of travel motivation factors. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 20(1), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2012.01.8798


The author discusses basic ideas related to tourist motivation and the theoretical aspect of travel motivation factors. They are presented from a new perspective, in a three-part structure. As part of the concept, three groups of factors have been distinguished: 1) motivators, which, if present, evoke willingness or inclination to initiate a tourist activity; 2) hygiene factors—if absent, they evoke reluctance to travel; 3) de-motivators—if present, they cause negative attitude towards tourist activity. Areas of their impact on touristic value of a destination (place visited by tourists) are totally different, although they occur simultaneously in a given tourist region (destination). That is why this concept serves as a methodological directive, which suggests that the scope of the study should be expanded to include de-motivating factors related to the investigated phenomenon.

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