Diagnosing methodology outline of the organisational culture
Okładka tom 16


organisational culture (of an organisation, enterprise)
research methodology

How to Cite

WojtowiczA. (2010). Diagnosing methodology outline of the organisational culture. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 16(2), 161-181. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2010.02.161181


Culture of an enterprise is understood as thinking patterns and employees’ actions preserved in it, shaped by the management attitude. It goes through both the process of formulating the strategy and the process of strategy execution. An enterprise which understands its culture, can use this knowledge as the source of strategic power. Multitude of factors shaping the organisational culture and the multitude of cultures (subcultures) requires that researchers of this phenomenon specify clearly the subject of their research, more broadly, research ‘borders’. The article contains a proposal of the methodology of diagnosing the organisational culture of an enterprise.



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