Zachowania nabywców jako przesłanka tworzenia strategii komunikacji przedsiębiorstwa z rynkiem
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RudnickiL. (2011). Zachowania nabywców jako przesłanka tworzenia strategii komunikacji przedsiębiorstwa z rynkiem. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej W Tarnowie, 17(1), 203-213.


The consumer is in the centre of interest in the market economy. Success of the company producing and selling products depends on his/ her market decisions. Knowledge of consumer’s behaviour patterns and factors which shape him/ her constitutes the basis for formulating the company’s marketing strategy. The paper addresses significance of having information about consumer’s behaviour patterns for creating the marketing strategy of the company. It indicates the role of social and cultural factors in defining the promotion strategy. Their effect on the concept of the message, and the selection and role of various types of media in its execution is highly significant. The paper discusses, in particular, the effect of education of the society on the type and on the scope of application of advertising messages. The importance of colour or graphic symbols in perception of the message and success of the advertising campaign is discussed. Interaction of reference groups and opinion leaders is an important factor affecting consumer behaviour patterns, taken into account in designing promotional actions, especially in the field of advertising. The paper emphasises major significance of the effect of these factors on purchase of a product in the communication policy. The paper also describes psychological factors which shape consumer’s behaviour patterns and their effect on the strategy of communication between the company and the market. It indicates usefulness of information about motivation in consumers in designing the communication message by the company. Knowledge of their nature allows selection of the appropriate instruments which stimulate purchase of the product. Attention has also been paid to the mechanisms of consumers’ perception of advertising messages and their features recommended to make it attract their attention. The paper discusses the effect of learning on consumer’s behaviour patterns and the role of this factor in the communication process. It also discusses the role of attitude and personality in developing consumers’ behaviour patterns and usefulness of information about attitudes and personalities of prospective buyers in preparation of the contents of communication messages. The paper indicates also usefulness of information about lifestyles in building communication strategy, mostly in designing advertising messages.
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