The transposition of knowledge management tools on the mechanisms of the owner’s supervision—the outline of the methodology
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corporate governance
owner’s supervision
knowledge management

How to Cite

BarwaczK., & KoziołL. (2017). The transposition of knowledge management tools on the mechanisms of the owner’s supervision—the outline of the methodology. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 34(2), 73-82.


The article presents the outline of the methodology of the transposition of knowledge management tools into the mechanisms of the owner’s supervision, allowing its effective performance, according to the requirements of the contemporary knowledge-based economy (KBE). Knowledge capital consists of immaterial resources of the firm, not having a physical or financial dimension, contributing to the generation of the stream of future advantages and significantly influencing the value of the firm, and the manner of exercising the supervision over its effective utilisation is the essence of the contemporary corporate governance. The methodology worked out by the authors is based on the application of a new tool, i.e. Corporate Governance Scorecard, concentrating on the process of the identification of knowledge management tools, their operationalisation, qualification of the power of influence and the assignment of measures for the qualification of the effectiveness of supervision. The in-depth analysis of the problems of knowledge management performed in the research process enabled the separation of management components which have relatively the greatest influence on the innovation capacity. It can also be used in the improvement of the owner’s supervision of modern organisations. The basic components of knowledge management which can be used in the improvement of the owner’s supervision in modern organisations are: tools, processes, relations and innovations. The use of the scorecard system enables to execute the transposition of these knowledge management tools aimed at the effects of the fulfilment of aims measured by the measures which are the object of the supervision according to the procedures adequate for their kind, i.e. supervisory mechanisms. The system of exercising the owner’s supervision based on the tool constructed in this way enables to exercise the supervision efficiently based on easily measurable variables expressed in the measures of achieving the success of the effects of each management tool.  The final part presents the model of the supervision structure in a company from the area of knowledge based economy, and the case study conducted by the authors presents the essential issues related to the investigated problem.
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