The use of trichotomy concept of tourist motivation factors in management process by means of creating value for customer
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tourist motivation
factors motivating to travel
hygiene factor

How to Cite

KoziołL., & KoziołM. (2016). The use of trichotomy concept of tourist motivation factors in management process by means of creating value for customer. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 30(2), 99-116.


In the article a discussion on basic notions within the scope of tourist motivation and the theory of factors motivating to travel was presented. Their new perspective in the form of a trichotomy concept of tourist motivation factors was demonstrated. Within this concept three factor groups were singled out: motivators which, when present, generate an urge, propensity to participate in tourism; demotivators which, when they occur, cause a negative attitude towards tourist activity. Their impact sectors on tourist attractiveness of destinations (realm of tourist reception) differ dramatically, although they occur simultaneously in a tourist region (destination). Thus this concept constitutes a methodological directive suggesting an extension of the area of analysis of conducted research to include tourist motivation factors which have a nature of a destimulant of the researched environment.
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