Description of the Quick Response Manufacturing principles
Okładka tom 12
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production management
enterprise competitiveness
Quick Response Manufacturing

How to Cite

PyrekR., & MuszyńskiZ. (2009). Description of the Quick Response Manufacturing principles. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 12(1), 193-203.


QRM concept aims at permanent restructuring generation processes and continuous adjustment of operations to changes taking place, both internal and external. The article presents an overview of principles directing QRM. It also provides the reasons, why in case of certain principles QRM strategy has big potential in creating the competitive advantage. Moreover, the study present a synthetic juxtaposition of traditional assumptions, QRM rules as well as a description and comparison of these two approaches. Quick Response Manufacturing appeared along with the requirement of quick and flexible response to volatile demand. Lean Management and Quick Response Manufacturing consider the necessity to cooperate with partners from the supply chain in order to continue lowering costs, increase quality and reduce response time. An additional demand for attempting at time compression and enterprise flexibility has appeared in the Quick Response Manufacturing.
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